We are seeking for newest and most exciting technologies that are being developed throughout the world. Thus bringing you with the latest in omniphobic coating technology from USA leading brand.
Ultra-Ever Dry
Ultra-Ever Dry is a superhydrophobic (water) and oleophobic (hydrocarbons) coating that will repel most water-based and some oil-based liquids. Ultra-Ever Dry uses proprietary omniphobic technology to coat an object and create a surface chemistry and texture with patterns of geometric shapes that have ‘peaks’ or ‘high points’. These high points repel water, some oils, wet concrete and other liquids unlike any other coating.
Gentoo Coating
Gentoo is the next generation of corrosion-resistant and easy-cleaning coating. With its combination of high performing abrasion resistance and very low sliding angle, Gentoo excels where other coatings have fallen short. Gentoo is a clear coating that not only repels water but most oils and solvents. It is also able to withstand significant abrasion without sacrificing performance.